So much going on. Working on two pieces for the Coast Guard and getting ready for our chorus show. We added a room onto the house for a studio and am finally getting down to painting most every day. More pictures to post soon- I hope!
Thanks to my good friend, Susan Martin Spar (check out her blog, The Daily Muse by Susan Martin Spar), I have now entered the world of blogging. Here are some images of paintings that are still available. As time goes by, I will add new images. Enjoy!
My husband and I live in the Pacific Northwest. Before moving here in 2006, we lived on Kodiak Island in Alaska for 23 years. There, I worked in an art gallery, commercial fished (only for a summer), and taught art at Kodiak College for nearly 18 years. My specialty is aviation art, and I am a member of the American Society of Aviation Artists, the Canadian Aviation Artists Association, NorthWest Air Force Artists and the Coast Guard and Air Force art programs. I have won some cool awards from places like ASAA, Simuflite/Flying Magazine and Aviation Week and Space Technology and have done some work for Alaska Magazine, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the Alaska Airmen's Association. I love painting airplanes, but find doing occasional still life and landscapes a fun diversion. Additional diversions are singing with a Sweet Adelines chorus and tap dancing. Boredom is not in my vocabulary.