One of my new paintings, "Skiing the Clouds," has been accepted into Canada's "Artflight: Miles, Milestones, Moments" exhibit which will open May 14, 2009 and run for about a year. Eileen Vollick was Canada's first women licensed pilot, and in the painting she is flying a JN4 (Jenny) on skis. While the museum does not actively participate in sales, they will notify me if there is an interested party. The painting would have to stay in the museum for the length of the exhibit.
In another international exhibit is work from the US Coast Guard Art program on display in The Netherlands. This is an opportunity to educate people worldwide on the missions of our Coast Guard. My painting entitled "Operation White Christmas," shows two helicopters and two cutters escorting a tanker out of Prince William Sound. The Department of Homeland Security is charged with maintaining the safety of the tankers as they enter and leave the harbor. This painting is part of the Coast Guard's permanent collection and is not for sale.